Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sew What?

Sew What? will become a new series to the blog, in order to highlight things I wish I knew, thought I knew, or learned in the recent, or, how cool is that?  I found this topic interesting simply because I want to encourage young sewests to dive right in but never stop learning!

In other words, just remain teachable. YouTube was not around 40 years ago.

I absolutely love YouTube and blog tutorials.  Google Search is my bestie.  If there is something challenging me or I feel I need to 'see that again', I turn to my bestie.  In the adventure, YouTube is not far from the home of the solution to my dilemma.

You will what?  How did you not know that after 40 years?  Trust me. I know you will say it, and that is why I want to share these "sew what's" to encourage others to use the learning at your fingertips. You never know what you might latch onto that is right in your sew box or a google search away!

Let's get this party started...right!

This has to be the most exciting share, the first of many.  Needle Position.

Sew What?

Sewing now for over 40 years, I always stuck to the idea that if my multi-purpose sewing foot would not allow it, then it is impossible to achieve. Wrong!  Needle position allows you to get into the closest position to the target without losing security of your fabric under the presser foot.

Imagine me now, a crafter of sort, who needs to get really close to the zipper teeth, but the zipper foot is 'hip to hip' to the teeth, and yet the needle is not close enough, still?  Sew What?  In comes the needle position lever.  It's not just for making zig zags and satin stitches.  It is the trusty maneuver to help get your needle closer to the teeth and wallah!'re likely what?

Imagine not using a zipper foot and you need to get a narrow hem and not lose the security of the fabric under the comes that needle position option to earn you that narrow hem!

Great for perfecting topstitching too!

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