Monday, April 6, 2020

In the midst of it all...

Frustration.  We all feel it in the middle of this storm.  Relationships are dissected immensely.  Before this COVID-19 pandemic touched down, I was evaluating the need for a new serger.  On my mask-making-mission, I looked to big box wholesalers for a back up.  I had tried the Singer, most recently.  It worked fine for a few years.  But the threads, no matter what I did, refused to interlock with the loopers and when they did, the tensions were constantly finicky.  Frustrations loomed.  In order to create a sense of normalcy for it, I resigned Singer Stylus 14SH654 to one thread, only-White!

Meanwhile I am glancing at the now almost 20 year old White Speedylock 1600 Series, a tried and true friend.  It had its moments where it too, didn't want to loop proper.  It has even shuddered through a broken plate and loop pin, and yet it still emerges as the most dominant soldier in the field.  With that said, I started evaluating more about sticking with the best of the bunch.  Unfortunately, White (OHIO) ceased manufacturing years ago and this left me with considering other options, like looking to Brother.

It didn't help that the bigger box stores who house sergers have failed to impress in the stress of the demand for services.  I recognize the constraints on companies with the reduction in human resources, but customer service is still important.  For three days I considered and pondered the need in the field, verses who would supply that need.  I glanced by chance at eBay, and discovered what I believed to be a great deal--a like new White Speedylock Series 1600--a treasured remnant of an estate sale.

I didn't want a warranty of extension.  That to me is a waste of money, considering I have maintained its sibling for 20 years without it being in professional repair service.  I was feeling charitable in this environment.  So why not?  I was definitely in the energy to entertain the small box shop, because they know how to handle and track their inventory.

What a gift it has turned out to be!!!

I doubt it has even been used more than a handful of times.  Serger/Overlock machines are divas.  Some sewists find them more stress than necessary.  I, however love the finish they provide. For me, there is not a B.O.C. without that finish.  I'm sure the original owner gave up on it for nothing more than discovering it to be more worry than it was worth.

First, the shipper took great care in packaging this item securely.

And for all intents, I cannot refrain from repeating this--It's basically new!
  • The seal unbroken on the VHS instruction tape
  • The manual (ENG) also has a spanish version included, and it has never been opened
  • The plastic protective cover, still securely folded, sealed in a package, untouched
  • The bottle of lubricant didn't even have a piercing in the tube
  • Not a single fingerprint on the surface nor fabric residue in the housing...say what?
It's like the debutante that was never really kissed proper!

No signs of use! Did you read that?  No signs of use!  After a little moment of silence and thanks for this most precious gift, I proceeded to start it up after a little oiling to its parts, changing the needles, adjusting the tensions, testing fabrics, and basically getting to know my new serger!

It is a charming addition and I am so proud for this gift that was made available to me.  The universe of infinite rewards conspired to bring this treasure into my domain.

The most wonderful thing about the White Speedylock Series 1600, is that it doesn't require special needles.  A standard sewing machine needle (2) recommended!  Let's go!!!