Thursday, June 28, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Henry Myer Thread Manufacturing Co

I have not done one of these in a long while.  Recently I have been deeply immersed in threads, ordering, matching, catching sales at JoAnn's, and digging up my retired box of spools (the one's I used long before investing in serger cones).  This brought me to this little throwback...way back to 1984/85-ish.

I received a collection of these threads from my big brother back when I was in high school.  They worked just fine on my Singer 247, my very first electronic machine, that I got for Christmas (age 11 turning 12).

This was the best thread ever.  It was strong and the box mostly contained grey spools.  So over 33 years I have used this as my go-to and these are the remnants of that collection. 

Here is a bit of history on this thread.

Brand Name: Subsilk Mercerized Cotton 800 yards
Made by Henry Myer Thread Manufacturing Company, 400-412 S. Market Street, Chicago, IL

The trademark filed on July 14, 1913, recorded March 16, 1915, and it expired on December 18, 1995.

The thread spools are made of compressed foam and some of the spools still display the vat #.  Pretty cool!  I am the holder of some pretty vintage threads. 

In 1916, Mr. Myer a member of the Silk Association testified before the Federal Trade Commission in a hearing on 'misbranding charges' and 'unfair competition', in order to protect his rights in using "subsilk" trademark, thought to be misleading the consumer in believing the cotton thread was silk (1916, p. 51). 

Since the thread I received bore the 'subsilk' marking, I conclude that Mr. Myer was able to retain the trade and continue business until the time his company closed.

Hearing on Misbranding Charges. (1916). Dry Goods Economist,70(2), 51-51. Retrieved June 26, 2018.


  1. A Friend of mine who sews for a living gave me a HUGE bag of these and I use them for everything. I was organizing my thread today and decided to do a search on this brand and your article came up. Thanks for the information. KT

  2. I have a vintage box of 15 wooden spools of thread from Henry Myer. I wish I knew when they were made. The colors are beautiful. and most have never been used.
