Sunday, February 23, 2020

Pattern Making with Adobe Illustrator

Warren Buffett, once said "Price is what you pay, Value is what you get".

No truer words have been spoken when it comes to investing in a resource that simplifies, streamlines, and expedites service.

In the beginning...

When I first started recording patterns, it was all about the paper and the pencil, and on occasion felt the need for bending around curves.  These elements remain the foundation for sculpting patterns from doll mods.  When it came to drafting those patterns for future use, the biggest steps were paid to using graph paper, for their linear grids.

Moving closer to commercializing patterns...

From graph paper and scanning patterns into digital images, we were able to move closer to reaching commercial status, using MS Word for transforming images into true digital patterns.  We could have stopped there, because for all intents, this was the holy grail, when you can literally reprint and share.

Room to improve...

Because we strive always to deliver our best, we knew the possibilities for streamlining pattern making was out there, but was it worth the investment? There are many softwares that exist in the network of image editing.  But with so many available, the struggle was accessing one that delivered value to customers.  For 20 years, Adobe has been a friend to us, allowing us to manipulate graphics and create a variety of graphic artworks.  As a trusted brand, the walk was short towards the evolution of creating 2D drawings.

The point of it all...

Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator makes our task simplified. With this simplification, time may be devoted to drafting the instructions and diagrams.  Pretty soon our patterns will be available for consumer use!

Monday, February 3, 2020

My Condolences

On the wings of doves, I'll fly away...Psalm 56:6

In memory of:

Alyssa Altobelli
John Altobelli
Keri Altobelli
Gianna Bryant
Kobe Bryant
Payton Chester
Sarah Chester
Christina Mouser
Ara Zobayan


On Sunday, January 26, around 9 AM PST, a tragedy occured; one that many will never forget.  Nine passengers aboard, including the pilot (Zobayan), a retired NBA star Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter Gianna, all died on impact as their carrier, a Sikorsky 76-B helicopter crashed in Calabasas, CA en route to John Wayne Airport.  

Without the aid of a flight recorder (black box), it could take up to two years to learn the cause of this tragedy happened, and the saddest of all is that even upon the conclusion of the investigation of this crash, we may never know the reason.

 As we move towards healing from this sadness, we lean upon both our faith and our reason to guide us to a better understanding. 

Our condolences to the survivors. 
